We live and work in such a beautiful area! This is a picture of some of our newly planted olive trees. They have been charted, and the ground has been tilled.
The owls are enjoying overseeing their territory. If only we understood owl talk! They love to gossip as darkness takes over.
What would we do without our faithful tractor and faithful driver! Many hours have been spent making the land good for our trees.
Excitement is high at San Miguel Olive Farm! We will be harvesting our 2011 crop on December First! The weather is expected to be cold and crisp.
If you look closely, you can see some of the trees with an orange tag. These are the trees bearing olives. Due to weather, and the fact that olives are an alternate bearing tree, many growers have a diminished crop this year.
......thank you, Todd, for the beautiful pictures.
We will return soon.